Signature is a medium to insert same details on the mail messages.

What you can add in a signature:

  • Your name, contact number & any other personal contact details
  • URL / address of your website or email address
  • Your tweet
  • A customized note to receivers

Note – If you don’t like signature to go with email message then you can delete it before clicking the “Send” button.

Steps on how to add or change signature in Yahoo Mail-

  1. Locate the gear button present in the top-right corner.
  2. Click on that gear button to select “Mail options”.
  3. Now go to Mail options present in left corner.
  4. Click on “Signature” option.
  5. If you demand a working link then select “Show a rich text signature”.
  6. Make your signature or do the correction & the changes you want to do.
  7. You can add your website URL too.
  8. Finally click on “Save” button.
  9. Now compose a fresh mail message – your signature will be displayed in the process.

If you’re getting error message that says “Sorry there was an error saving your message” then it means that you exceeded character count limit of Yahoo Mail. There is a limit set by Yahoo Mail to add small amount of characters while creating signature.


If you’re getting that same message then dial our helpline toll free number to get premium Ymail technical support  available right here. Talk to our e-mail troubleshooting specialists to get online assistance for issues like Ymail settings for signature not working & for more - dial now.