Solution on how to turn off Norton Antivirus on Windows 10

It’s easy to turn off Norton antivirus on Windows 10. Follow the steps below to uninstall Norton antivirus or get direct online help and Norton Antivirus technical support from our customer support representatives.

5 Steps on how to turn off Norton antivirus on Windows:

  1. First of all locate the small triangle button on Windows taskbar. Click on that triangle button.
  2. On clicking the triangle button you’ll get “Norton AntiVirus” icon. Right-click the icon and select “Disable Smart Firewall” from a list of options.
  3. Also select “Disable Antivirus Auto Protect” option from that same list.
  4. Now select the time duration.
  5. Click “OK”.

Hope the above steps help you turn off your Norton antivirus. Get online and live assistance for Norton from our technical support engineers. Get online solutions and Norton Antivirus Technical Support on our helpline phone number. Order our customer service and help for Norton now.